My Android 0.5 million downloads

My Android App by InnovationM crosses 0.5 million downloads

With 0.5+ millions downloads on Google Playstore, My Android became favorite tool of Android lovers. InnovationM, the proud creator of the application considered it as an incredible feat with zero marketing spends.

This free multilingual application provides useful information about your Android phone and tablet. What is the size/resolution of my phone screen? Am I on 2G, 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi? How much is my phone & SD card memory? What is the RAM of my phone? What is the model number?.....My Android app is there to answer all such questions. It also provides information like screen density, Android OS name (Ex. Jelly Bean) and version number, a list of apps installed on your phone with option to search, sort, uninstall and launch apps and much more.

Recently, with the release of the next version some interesting features has been added to the application. It helps user to see their call history about outgoing, incoming and missed calls for today, yesterday and last one week. Plus, it separately shows calls from known (the ones in your address book) and unknown contacts (the ones which are not in your address book). This is a very practical feature. One can also find the full camera information of their phone. How much is the megapixel of back and front cameras? This info usually is buried in marketing material, but with My Android you could easily find out. Plus, a very useful info on the number of photos that can be clicked from the camera based on megapixel of your phone camera and remaining memory on your phone.

Cool user interface with some cute animations in this application enhance the usability of the app and showcase the UX/UI expertise of InnovationM team.

See you at Google Play Store!

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Supported in 16 languages:

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

Hope you like My Android!

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